Waste management is a huge problem at the moment in many areas and the FireTech incinerator is equipped to handle both large industries as well as domestic households at a cost-effective price.
Virgo FireTech incinerator is a quick-fix solution to burn trash and solid waste until it is reduced to ash in a thermal efficient and eco-friendly manner. Incineration is another word for controlled burning in very high temperature for waste disposal. It is a safe method of waste processing and disposal for households, ladies hostels, schools, hospitals, laboratories, hotels, clinics, auditorium, catering units, industries and other institutions. Virgo Industries constructs FireTech incinerator of different capacities suitable for homes to big auditoriums and industries, according to the needs of the customers.
Main advantages and benefit of our product are –
Minimal amount of smoke is produced due to very high temperature combustion technology. Less pollution due to less smoke and carbon emission and thus eco-friendly.
No additional fuel is required and no monitoring is needed when it is properly ignited. Simple to operate, portable and it takes only one day to install.
High temperature converts most poisons and toxic materials into harmless inert matter ash.
About 30% wet waste can be incinerated if it is fed mixed with 70 % of dry waste.
Waste disposal by burning can be very effectively done during the rainy season.
The residual dry ash will settle down at the bottom ash chamber after filtering down from the waste holding grill at the bottom of the incinerator. This ash contains rich potash which can be collected as manure for organic agriculture.
No heat is felt outside the incinerator because the heat radiation and heat-loss is prevented by industrial grade thermal proof materials retaining the heat within the incinerating chamber.
We offer several models to choose from including small and medium sized Home Incinerators suitable for household waste incineration to large sized industrial incinerators.
We undertake customization as per your requirement to offer tailor made solution to exceed your expectations.